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Yoga Poses for a Group of Three

Yoga pose group of three

Yoga is fast becoming one of the most popular types of exercise. Because of this, new styles are popping up every day. If you’re thinking of taking up yoga with a group of friends, AcroYoga may be the perfect option. All you need to get started is a tight-fitting yoga sweater. Combining traditional Hatha or Vinyasa Flow with acrobatics, AcroYoga is best practiced in a group of three. In an AcroYoga class, there are three key roles for the students to play. The first of these is the base; this person spends most of their time in contact with the ground. For instance, they may lie on their back using their legs to support their partner. The second role is the flyer; this is the person who is lifted off the floor by the base. The final role is the spotter; this person is in charge of watching the base and flyer to ensure that the flyer lands safely if they fall. The spotter can also make suggestions to help both partners to improve their form. In this article, we explore some of the best AcroYoga poses for three people.

Plank on Plank

Plank Press

Step One

Step Two

Base Test

Step One

Step Two

Front Plank

To practice Front Plank, both partners should begin in Plank Press. This asana is designed to teach balance and lay the foundation for more complex postures.

Yoga pose group of three

Front Bird

This posture improves balance and teaches the flyer to feel comfortable letting go of her partner’s hands.

Bow Pose

In Summary

If you’re bored of traditional yoga, AcroYoga may be the perfect solution. If you can, take 2 friends along with you to class to form a group of 3. Before your first session, make sure everyone has the right yoga gear. To avoid getting snagged, it’s important for the flyer and the base to wear a tight-fitting yoga top.

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