Yoga is fast becoming one of the most popular types of exercise. Because of this, new styles are popping up every day. If you’re thinking of taking up yoga with a group of friends, AcroYoga may be the perfect option. All you need to get started is a tight-fitting yoga sweater. Combining traditional Hatha or Vinyasa Flow with acrobatics, AcroYoga is best practiced in a group of three. In an AcroYoga class, there are three key roles for the students to play. The first of these is the base; this person spends most of their time in contact with the ground. For instance, they may lie on their back using their legs to support their partner. The second role is the flyer; this is the person who is lifted off the floor by the base. The final role is the spotter; this person is in charge of watching the base and flyer to ensure that the flyer lands safely if they fall. The spotter can also make suggestions to help both partners to improve their form. In this article, we explore some of the best AcroYoga poses for three people.
Plank on Plank
- Base: To practice Plank on Plank Pose, you must first get into plank pose. To do this, lie down on your front with your legs extended. Next, place your hands on the mat underneath your shoulders and curl your toes under. Engage your abdominal muscles and use your arms to lift your body off the mat. Your body should now form a straight line that is parallel to the mat.
- Flyer: Facing your partner’s feet, put your hands on his ankles. Keeping your arms straight, press down and lift the foot closest to your base off the ground. Next, place your ankle on his furthest shoulder, point your toes and press down through your foot. Engage your leg and abdominal muscles before placing your second foot on your partner’s near shoulder. You are in Plank on Plank Pose. For best results, stack your shoulders directly over your partner’s ankles.
- Spotter: If necessary, help the flyer to get into position. Throughout the asana, watch both partners form to prevent injury.
Plank Press
Step One
- Base: To practice Plank Press, begin by lying down on your back. Next, bring your knees into your chest until your feet are parallel to the ceiling. You should be ready to secure them onto your partner’s hips in the next stage.
- Flyer: Begin standing at your partner’s feet. Your arms should form a T and your body should remain firm and straight with your abdominals engaged.
Step Two
- Base: Bend your knees ready to receive your flyer’s weight. When she makes contact, lower her a few inches before extending her back to a standing position. For best results, place the arches of your feet against your partner’s hips before lifting.
- Flyer: Keep your feet on the ground as your hips make contact with your base’s feet. Trust your partner as he lowers you a few inches before returning you to your original position.
- Spotter: Watch both partners carefully throughout the asana, checking to see if they need assistance.
Base Test
Step One
- Base: To practice Base Test, begin lying on your back with your feet stacked over your hips. If your legs are too long for your partner’s height, bend your knees to accommodate.
- Flyer: To begin, cross your forearms and stack them onto your partner’s feet. To establish a sense of trust, try to make eye contact with your partner at this stage.
Step Two
- Flyer: Press your arms into your partner’s feet and lift your legs off the floor.
- Base: Extend your legs into an L shape, stacking your feet over your hips for stability. If your legs feel too tight to straighten them, place a thick blanket under your pelvis.
- Spotter: If necessary, help both partners to get into position. Evaluate their form throughout the pose to prevent injury.
Front Plank
To practice Front Plank, both partners should begin in Plank Press. This asana is designed to teach balance and lay the foundation for more complex postures.
- Flyer: From Plank Press, reach forward and hold your partner’s hands. Keep your arms straight to create a straight line from your partner’s shoulders to yours. To lift off, press into the floor with your feet.
- Base: Bend your legs to receive your partner, then slowly straight them and stack your feet over your hips. Keep your arms extended as your partner lifts off.
- Flyer: Once you’re in Front Plank, remember to keep your core engaged. Straighten your legs and point your toes to maintain balance.
- Spotter: Remind both partners to stack their arms vertically. This will help to keep the pose stable.

Front Bird
This posture improves balance and teaches the flyer to feel comfortable letting go of her partner’s hands.
- Base: From Front Plank, press your feet into your partner’s stomach. This will help her to lift her chest.
- Flyer: If you feel stable enough, release your partner’s hands and reach your arms back to mimic a bird’s wings.
- Spotter: When the flyer lets go of the base’s hands, remind the base to keep his hands up ready in case the flyer tips forward.
Bow Pose
- Flyer: From Front Bird, slowly bend your knees and take hold of your feet. Keep your abdominals engaged, your legs strong, and your chest lifted. Your breathing should remain slow and deep as you trust your partner to support you.
- Base: For you, Bow Pose is similar to Front Bird. The only thing to do is point your toes even more to lift your partner’s chest.
- Spotter: As with Front Bird, remind the base to keep his hands in the air. This will ensure he is ready to catch the flyer if she begins to tip.
In Summary
If you’re bored of traditional yoga, AcroYoga may be the perfect solution. If you can, take 2 friends along with you to class to form a group of 3. Before your first session, make sure everyone has the right yoga gear. To avoid getting snagged, it’s important for the flyer and the base to wear a tight-fitting yoga top.