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What is Baby Yoga?

Baby Yoga

Today, Baby Yoga is one of the most popular ‘parent and baby’ classes. Appealing to first time and experi-enced parents alike, the low-intensity sessions are an easy way to get back into exercise. The classes are also a great way to introduce your new arrival to something different, whilst having fun in the process! In this article, we explore Baby Yoga in more detail. If you’re interested in attending a Baby Yoga class, it’s worth picking up some flexible yoga pants for yourself, and a comfortable sleepsuit for your baby. But don’t worry, we’ll discuss this in more detail later.

What is Baby Yoga?

Baby Yoga is pretty self-explanatory, it’s just simple yoga sessions with your baby. However, the classes are much gentler than traditional yoga, and each asana is adapted to suit your baby. Due to the slow nature of the style, you don’t need to have prior yoga experience to enjoy a session.

As well as being great fun, the classes can be relaxing for both you and your baby. When exercising, our bodies release endorphins. Often referred to as ‘happy hormones’, the endorphins leave you feeling relaxed, happy, and content. Baby Yoga classes are also a great way to bond with your little one, especially for new dads.

Is it Safe?

When you become a parent, the first thing you think about is the safety of your child. When attending Baby Yoga, many parents question whether the routines are safe for their baby, especially if their child is very young. Thankfully, every Baby Yoga class is designed especially for babies. With this in mind, each movement is 100% safe – even for the littlest bodies!

When Can You Start Baby Yoga?

Another frequently asked question is when Baby Yoga can be started. The simple answer is, as soon as you like! The gentle movements make the classes suitable for babies of any age – even newborns. However, new mothers might not feel up to attending soon after giving birth. On average, you are advised to wait until after your 6-week check up with your GP. This is particularly important if you have had any postnatal complications, or you have undergone a C-section.

If you would like your baby to attend Baby Yoga before 6-weeks, babies are more than welcome to attend with their dad. As well as getting baby into the class from a young age, the sessions can be a great way for baby and dad to bond.

Baby Yoga

What Do You Need?

When attending a Baby Yoga class, parents are advised to wear comfortable yoga clothes that are easy to move about in. For women, yoga pants and a lightweight top would be ideal. Men are advised to wear jogging bottoms and a loose T-Shirt. When it comes to your baby, we recommend dressing them in a comfortable sleepsuit with a vest underneath. This way, the sleepsuit can be removed if your baby begins to get too warm. If your baby doesn’t mind wearing just a nappy, you may feel that the vest is unnecessary. The choice is completely up to you!

When you book your first session, most yoga studios will give you an idea of what you need to take. Typi-cally, parents are advised to bring a good quality yoga mat and a soft towel. Some studios are already equipped with these, though most parents prefer to take their own gear rather than using the communal options. It’s also a good idea to take along a fresh bottle of water to sip throughout the session. This will ensure you stay healthy and hydrated.


Practising Baby Yoga regularly can bring with it an array of great benefits. Below, we explore some of them in more detail.

Chance to Bond

As mentioned previously, Baby Yoga classes give parents the chance to bond with their little one. Both parent and child are involved in each of the poses, offering the perfect opportunity to spend quality time together. New dads often enjoy the classes for this reason, especially if the mother is breastfeeding.

Adapted to Suit New Mums

Unlike regular yoga classes, Baby Yoga adapts each posture to suit the body of a new mother. For those who once practised yoga regularly, Baby Yoga allows them to ease back into the exercise.

Opportunity to Relax

Whilst becoming a parent is amazing, it is also stressful. Gentle yoga can help parents to relax and recharge their body, ready to tackle the exciting but tiring week ahead.

Improves Digestion

When babies are young, it’s not uncommon for their digestion to be a little hit and miss. Through a series of gentle movements, Baby Yoga classes aim to improve this aspect and get their bowels moving. Many parents find that the classes also help with colic.

Make New Friends

Many new parents avoid taking their child out because of feeding concerns and nappy changes. At Baby Yoga, both of those things are encouraged. Everyone is in the same boat, so there is no need to worry about your new arrival being a little fussy. Baby Yoga allows parents to make friends that are in the same position as themselves.

In Summary

Whether you are looking to improve the digestion of your baby, or you’re hoping to make some life-long friends, attend a Baby Yoga session to reap the benefits. Before your first session, it’s worth finding out what you need to take. Most classes just advise parents to bring a yoga mat and a soft towel, but it’s worth double checking!

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