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The Different Accessories You Can Use to Practice Yoga

yoga accessories practice

To get the most from your yoga practice it’s important to have the right props and accessories. Props allow practitioners to reap the benefits of each posture without overexerting their body. With the right props, students can practice physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation with ease – regardless of their ability. As well as the right props, it’s important to have suitable clothing before you practice. To allow the body to oxygenate sufficiently, try to wear a breathable yoga top and leggings. In this article, we explore the different accessories you can use to practice yoga.

Yoga Wheel

Practitioners can use a yoga wheel to aid their flexibility. The prop can be used to assist inversions and backbends to keep the spine aligned. Additionally, the wheel can be used to help with balance and even strengthen the core! Picking up a good quality yoga wheel will ensure that it remains supportive and sturdy for years to come.

V-Shaped Meditation Cushion

It’s not uncommon to find meditation tricky. Finding a quiet space can be hard enough, let alone trying to achieve a quiet mind. Most yogis will tell you that the secret to success is relaxation. Using a V-shaped meditation cushion will support your body so you can allow your muscles to relax. Better still, the cushion will promote correct posture while you sit to ensure you don’t suffer from any aches or pains post-meditation. The soft design of the cushion will ensure you remain comfortable throughout the session. This allows the mind to focus solely on meditating without the distraction of being uncomfortable.


A yoga strap can be used in a variety of different ways. Most often, the strap is used as an extension of the limbs to provide support when using asanas. Practitioners often find that their muscles aren’t flexible enough to practice the posture correctly. A yoga strap allows yogis to perform the pose properly, even when their limbs don’t quite reach.

Straps can also be used in restorative postures to hold the limbs in a certain position. This allows practitio-ners to get the most from the pose without having to use their muscles. Yoga straps come in a variety of different lengths and widths and are made from a strong material that does not stretch. The length of the strap can be adjusted with the buckle or fastener, so each strap is suitable for practitioners of all sorts. When using a strap, it’s best to hold it with a soft grip and keep your neck and shoulders relaxed. This will prevent tension from accumulating in the muscles.


As most people have a chair in their home, this prop is easy to get hold of. Yogis can use the chair to adapt regular asanas or even practice specific chair-based postures. For instance, many yogis enjoy practising Downward Dog using a chair. The chair allows you to lengthen the spine without bearing weight on the rest of the body. To get the most from the pose, try to keep your spine as flat as possible. Try to form a relationship between the top of your head and the bottom of your back so you can feel the stretch.

Yoga chair

Blocks and Bricks

When your arms cannot reach all the way to the ground, blocks or bricks can be used to raise the floor level. This allows less flexible yogis to practice the pose without discomfort. Blocks can also be used with restorative postures to support different areas of the body; for instance, many yogis use a block to support the head, legs, or back.

Blocks can be purchased in various shapes, sizes, and materials including wood, cork, and foam. This allows practitioners to choose a block that best suits their needs. If you want a softer block, consider opting for foam; however, it’s important to make sure the block is at least four inches thick so it can provide optimal support. If you’re interested in the block being eco-friendly, cork or wood is a great choice.


Another readily available prop, blankets are popular with yogis of all sorts. They are often used with seated postures to provide additional height. This allows the legs to relax and provides support for the lower back. If you suffer from tight hamstrings, sitting on a blanket can make the poses a little easier. Blankets can also be used for lying down postures such as Corpse Pose. Placing a blanket under the lower back can help to release tight muscles in the back, neck, and shoulders. Blankets can also be used with restorative poses to provide warmth and comfort. Although any blanket will do, it’s important for it to be firm so it can provide a sturdy and level foundation.


If you practice yoga regularly, consider picking up a bolster. A bolster can support the body in restorative poses to allow the muscles to fully relax. Placing a bolster under the knees whilst practising supported bridge pose, legs up the wall pose and corpse pose is particularly beneficial. Bolsters are available in various different sizes and can be found in both rectangular and round shapes. Both shapes have their benefits, so just choose the bolster you feel most comfortable with.

Yoga Ball Chair

A yoga ball chair is best explained as a yoga ball that sits inside a frame to create a chair. Many yoga ball chairs are on wheels so they can be moved easily around the home. Some models even have an adjustable back to accommodate yogis of different sizes. The great thing about a yoga ball chair is that the ball is removable. When removed, practitioners can use it to strengthen their core muscles and practice various other exercises.

In Summary

Whether you’re an experienced yogi or you’re just beginning, props can take your practice to the next level. If you’re hoping to build a collection, we recommend picking up a block, blanket, and a strap first. As these props can be used with a variety of poses, they are great value for money! To get the most from your practice, it’s also important to wear flexible clothing. Good-quality yoga pants will allow the muscles to stretch without restriction.

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