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Is the Best Yoga Training in India?

Is the Best Yoga Training in India?

If you’re wondering where the best place to study yoga is, India probably comes to mind. While there are plenty of great training schools in the US, India is second to none when it comes to history and culture. If you’re trying to decide where to study or deepen your practice, India has several advantages over studying in the US. As the home of Ashtanga, India is rich in history and culture and can provide an authentic training experience. By studying in a country where yoga has been taught for decades, you can put on your yoga top and immerse yourself in the practice. In this article, we explore some of the benefits of studying yoga in India and discover why the best yoga training is in India.

Immersed in Traditional Teachings

If you study yoga in India, you’ll benefit from the traditional teachings. Yoga is thought to take a lifetime to master. By training in India, you’ll be immersed in the lineage of the practice that comes from Trumali Krishnamacharya, the yoga teacher to the Maharaja in the Mysore Palace. Krishnamacharya had four famous students who have been influential in how the practiced has developed in the West. These are K. Pattabhi Jois, BKS. Iyengar, TKV Desikachar, and Indra Devi.

Welcomes Practitioners of all Levels

Some people assume you have to be proficient in yoga to train in India. However, this couldn’t be further from the case. Training academies in India welcomes students of all abilities, even complete beginners! Instead of watching from the sidelines, you’ll be encouraged to get involved and learn from the best of the best. When you first practice yoga, you may experience a couple of minor injuries. This is normally because you haven’t warmed up properly or you’ve moved in slightly the wrong way. While having an experienced instructor can minimize injury, a few minor problems are totally normal for beginners. When training in India, you’ll be treated warmly and helped through any problems or issues. If you do experience an injury, your instructor will be able to talk you through it to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. Better still, they’ll be able to modify your routine to suit your body, allowing you to build strength in the area of injury.

Students Gather from All Over the World

Students from all over the world travel to India to practice yoga. Within a few weeks of arriving, you’ll make friends from different parts of the globe and work together to better your abilities. As well as making several great friends, you’ll learn about all the different trends in the yoga world.

Make Lifelong Friends

If you travel to India to train, you’ll make friendships that last a lifetime. Often, yogis who have trained in India will return to the country now and then. If you liaise with your friends from the training academy, you can travel to India at the same time for a well-deserved catch-up.

Cheaper than Yoga Retreats

Typically, a yoga retreat costs around $1000 per week. In India, this kind of money will last you a month if you’re careful. The training itself costs around $600, which includes daily classes, Sanskrit chanting, and a weekly conference. If you shop around, you can rent an apartment for $200 and most meals can be made for $5 or less. If you want to splash out, up your budget slightly and you’ll afford laundry, housekeeping, and a weekly Ayurvedic massage.

Is the Best Yoga Training in India?

You’ll See Quick Improvement

According to Patanjali, yoga skills are improved through uninterrupted practice over a long period. In Indian training schools, distractions are minimized, and it’s lights out by 10:00 pm. This allows you to enjoy uninterrupted practice and enjoy a restful night’s sleep. As you’ll be practicing each day, your muscles will stretch, your strength will increase, and your balance will improve.

Enjoy the Scenery

In India, temples are bustling, cows wander the streets and the call to prayer can be heard every single morning. While there are great training schools in the US, none of them come with the experience that an Indian one does. In India, you’ll see everything from friendly monkeys to wandering cows and holy men. You can eat traditional Indian food 3 times a day and choose from a selection of authentic teas. When studying in India, you can be both a student and a tourist during a single trip.

Caters to Students

If Indian food doesn’t agree with you, don’t panic! Many shops in the town center cater to students. If you fancy pizza and ice-cream, head into the town and choose your favorite restaurant. You can also enjoy pancakes, crepes, pasta, granola, and lots of different kinds of chocolate.

The Weather is Gorgeous

In India, high season is winter. If you want to escape for some winter sun, India is an excellent option. Typically, the country is hot during the day and cool at night, allowing you to enjoy the warm weather whilst still getting a good night’s sleep. In the warmer months, you’ll be surrounded by palm and papaya trees to add a tropical edge to your practice. If you need to cool off, just take a quick dip in one of the many pools. What could be better?

The Locals are Welcoming

During your stay, enjoy all kinds of services including scooters, souvenirs, chanting, and traditional cooking and painting classes. The locals are warm and welcoming and certainly enjoy a chat from time to time. In India, it’s not uncommon to build a successful business based around yoga. Because of this, the locals are huge fans of yoga students and will welcome you into their hometown.

In Summary

If you’re wondering whether the best yoga training is in India, the answer is yes. While there are several great training schools in the US, none of them provide the authentic experience of learning in the home of yoga. If you want to pack clothes for the whole duration, that’s fine. However, many students like to pick up traditional Indian yoga pants to wear during their stay so prefer to buy their clothing out there.

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