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How to Do Yoga at Home?

yoga at home

While there are many benefits to a weekly yoga class, sometimes it just isn’t practical. Maybe you’re a busy working mum, or you just can’t find a class that fits your schedule. If this sounds familiar, this article is for you. Thankfully, it’s possible to practice yoga from the comfort of your own home. Before getting started, it’s important to have all the right gear. A good quality pair of yoga leggings will not only make you look the part, but they will also allow you to move without restriction. In this article, we explore how to do yoga at home in more detail.

Create a Comfortable Space

If you’re planning to practice yoga at home, the first thing to do is create a comfortable space. If you have an extra room that you can use for your practice, great! Keeping your yoga mat unrolled will encourage you to use it more frequently.

Most of us, however, don’t have the space to dedicate a whole room to yoga. If you fall into this category, don’t panic! You can just work with what you have to create an inviting space. We recommend finding a spot that’s quiet and peaceful, with as much room around you as possible. Placing your mat near a wall can be beneficial, as the wall can be used as a prop in certain asanas. To create a relaxing atmosphere, try filling the space with cosy blankets and a scented candle or incense stick.

Things like blankets are just optional extras and are by no means a necessity for your practice. Providing that you have enough space around you without the risk of bumping into furniture, you can practice yoga anywhere!

Get your Yoga Accessories

Before beginning your home practice, be sure to get your yoga accessories. If your budget is limited, you can get started with just a non-slip mat. While there are many cheap mats out there, it’s worth paying a bit more for a better quality product. This way, you can be sure that the mat will suit your needs and will last a long time. If you’ve got the budget, blocks are a great addition to your prop collection. However, these can be replaced by books or other household objects if necessary. If you can afford to pick up a bolster, great! If not, you can get by with a stack of pillows or blankets. While yoga accessories aren’t a necessity, they will make your practice easier, safer, and more beneficial when used correctly.

Prevent Injury

While home practice has many benefits, not having an instructor is definitely a downside. During a yoga class, the teacher can watch your form and help you to prevent injury. When practising at home, you don’t have this luxury. With this in mind, taking steps to prevent injury is essential. When on the mat, watch your boundaries and be mindful of your body. Certain areas are more vulnerable than others; these include the hips, knees, neck, and spine. While a little discomfort is to be expected, pain is not. If you feel any pain, soften, adjust, or come out of the posture immediately.

To avoid injury, warm up your muscles before you start, particularly if you’re using more advanced poses. During complex asanas, be mindful of your body and come out of the posture if it becomes painful. Another time to be mindful is when transitioning between poses. During this time, keep a close eye on your alignment to avoid strains or sprains.

yoga at home

Choose Your Style

So you’ve made the decision to do yoga at home, but what style are you going to use? To find the right style for you, think about what you want to achieve. If you’re hoping to lose weight, a dynamic style like Vinyasa Flow may be ideal. If you’re hoping to quiet your mind before bed, you’ll be better off with a restorative sequence.

If you’ve attended studio sessions previously, you should have a good idea about what you’re doing. If not, it may be beneficial to try an online class. This way, you’ll have guidance on how to practice your chosen style. Before signing up, do your research and decide which class is best for you.

End with Savasana

Almost every studio session will end with Savasana. Home practice should be no different. Also known as Corpse Pose, Savasana gives the body time to relax after your workout. The nervous system needs time to absorb the benefits of the practice and Savasana is the perfect way to achieve this.

Practice Regularly

To get the most from home practice, it’s important to keep it regular. Before you get started, set a basic schedule that you can stick to. Depending on how much time you have, try to practice one to three times a week. If time permits, daily practice is great too. If you need to change your schedule at any time, don’t be afraid to do so. Likewise, if you need to skip a workout then don’t beat yourself up about it. As long as you’re practising regularly then you’ll still see results!

Enjoy it!

The most important thing about yoga is that you enjoy it. While it carries a host of great benefits, you’ll never be motivated to practice if it’s not enjoyable. Instead of being a chore at the end of a long day, it should be something that you look forward to. If you don’t feel this way, try a few different styles until you find one that is right for you.

In Summary

Whether you’re an experienced yogi or you’re just starting out, this article will teach you how to do yoga at home. To get the most from your practice, it’s essential to have the right clothing. For best results, always wear a lightweight yoga t-shirt to allow the body to oxygenate.

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