Just starting your yoga journey? You’re in the right place. In this article, we explore 22 beginner poses every yogi needs to know. If you want to follow along, throw on your yoga bra and head to the mat. Each posture should be held for around 30 seconds unless stated otherwise.
1. Mountain Pose
From a standing position, tense your quadriceps to lift your kneecaps, then lift yourself through your inner thighs. As you lift your chest, draw your stomach in and up and press your shoulders down. Bring your shoulder blades together to open your chest, keeping your palms facing inwards. You are in Mountain Pose.
2. Standing Forward Bend
From a standing position, hinge at the waist and lower your torso towards the ground. Next, take hold of your ankles and let your body hang naturally towards the floor. You are in Standing Forward Bend.
3. Chair Pose
Begin standing tall. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head and draw both shoulders back. As you exhale, bend your knees and lower your bottom down and back as if you’re sitting in a chair. With each inhale, lengthen your spine a little more. With each exhale, deepen the stretch by lowering your bottom further towards the ground. You are in Chair Pose.
4. Plank Pose
Begin on all fours. Tuck your toes under and lift your legs off the ground. Slide your feet back until your body forms a straight line from your head to your toes. Engage your abdominals and draw your shoulder blades down and back. You are in Plank Pose.
5. Bridge Pose
Begin laying on your back. Bend your knees whilst keeping the soles of your feet on the mat and relax your arms by your sides. Tuck your chin into your chest and lift your bottom and back off the mat to create a bridge. You are in Bridge Pose.
6. Cobra Pose
Start lying on your stomach. Place your hands directly under your shoulders before drawing your elbows back and pressing the tops of your feet into the mat. Next, straighten your arms to lift your chest off the ground. Finally, press your tailbone down and engage your glutes. You are in Cobra Pose.
7. Half Moon Pose
From a standing position, move your feet wide apart and turn your right foot 90 degrees clockwise. Bending at the waist, bring your hands to the ground and rest them in-line with your feet. Next, lift your leg off the floor and raise it into the air. Finally, raise your left hand above your head. You are in Half Moon Pose.
8. Downward-Facing Dog
Begin standing tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Next, bend at the waist and lower your torso towards the floor until your hands are touching the mat. Your body should now form a triangle. Move your head between your upper arms and spread your fingers for additional balance. You are in Downward-Facing Dog.
9. Cat Pose
Begin on all fours with your shoulders above your wrists and your hips above your knees. Take a deep breath in and arch your back towards the ceiling. You are in Cat Pose.
10. Cow Pose
Begin on all fours. As you exhale, lift your chin and arch your back towards the mat. You are in Cow Pose. You may like to alternate between Cat and Cow Pose for a few minutes.
11. Warrior I
Begin standing tall. Keeping your left leg in place, take a big step forward with your right leg. Next, bend your right leg and extend your left leg out behind you. Finally, roll your shoulders back and lift your arms above your head. You are in Warrior I.
12. Warrior II
From a standing position, take a big step forward with your right leg, keeping both legs straight. Next, turn your left foot out 90 degrees and your right foot in 45 degrees. Finally, bend your right knee and stretch your arms out to the sides. You are in Warrior II.
13. Warrior III
Begin standing tall with your hands on your hips. Straighten your left leg and extend it behind you. Next, square your hips the mat to bring your torso and lifted leg parallel to the floor. You are in Warrior III.
14. Low Lunge
From a standing position, step your right leg forward and lift your hips up and back until they sit directly over your left knee. Raise both arms and press your hips down until you feel the muscles engage. You are in Low Lunge.
15. Upward-Facing Dog Pose
Begin lying on your stomach. Next, place your hands underneath your shoulders and point your elbows towards the ceiling. Press firmly through your hands to lift your head and shoulders off the mat, then press the tops of your feet into the floor to raise your quads. You are in Upward-Facing Dog.
16. Child’s Pose
Begin on all fours with your big toes together and your knees spread apart. Sit back on your heels and rest your upper body gently on your thighs. Reach your arms out in front of you to stretch the shoulders or keep them by your sides for a more relaxed stretch. You are in Child’s Pose.
17. Tree Pose
Begin standing tall with your big toes together and half an inch of space between your heels. Next, bring your palms together in front of your chest and engage your abdominal muscles. Gently shift your weight onto your right foot, rooting it down by pressing through the ball of your heel and big toes. Lift your left foot off the ground and place it on the inside of your right thigh. You are in Tree Pose.
18. Seated Forward Bend
Begin seated with your legs together. Lift your chest and lower your torso forward to rest on your legs. You are in Seated Forward Bend.
19. Bound Angle Pose
Begin in a seated position. Bending your knees out to the sides, bring the soles of your feet together and interlace your fingers around your toes. On an inhale, press your pelvis into the mat and extend your spine. Draw your shoulders down and back and move your chest forward. You are in Bound Angle Pose.
20. Easy Pose
From a seated position, cross your legs at the calves, keeping your feet underneath your knees. Place your hands on your thighs. You are in Easy Pose.
21. Legs Up the Wall
Place the shortest side of your mat against a wall, then sit down on it. Gently lie back on the mat and extend both legs up the wall. Make sure that your bottom is almost touching the wall and your legs are close together. Rest your hands on your stomach or by your sides. You are in Legs Up the Wall.
22. Corpse Pose
Corpse Pose is the perfect way to end your routine. Simply lie on your back with your arms by your sides. Close your eyes and relax. You are in Corpse Pose.
In Summary
So, there you have it – 22 beginner poses every yogi needs to know. At the end of the routine, throw on a cosy yoga hoodie and take a few minutes to chill before getting on with your day.